Nov 15-22

ALL guests, all inclusive

Payment plans

low as



Don’t Stick!!
USC Spring sails in
Enhance your Experience with the

UberSoca Cruise

Mobile App
Enhance your Experience with the

UberSoca Cruise

Mobile App


Ubersoca Cruise is the largest Soca theme cruise in the world. We curate over 110 events in 10 days on two ships that set sail back to back and feature over 80 Soca artists and DJ’s from around the world. The USC Mobile Application will have three different user experiences that will allow users to view events, purchase tickets, interact with one another, receive push notification, advertise with us, gain access to private content only for booked passengers or our entertainers, listen to their favorite radio stations, signup for onboard events, book their cabin, complete surveys and so much more.



  • Access to General Information
  • Ability to purchase tickets public USC events
  • Ability to book your cruise with us
  • Ability to contact our Support Department with Questions
  • Push Notification alerts with latest and greatest USC Information including new music and new videos


  • Private access to the USC official schedule and theme guide
  • Ability to chat with other booked passengers
  • Signup for onboard events
  • Access tickets for public/private USC events
  • Push Notification
  • Reminders and notifications about events
  • Schedule your event to do and never miss another USC Onboard Experience
  • Signup for ground transportation


  • Submit Music for features
  • Submit Videos for features
  • Access to contact those with private access
  • Access to sign-up for onboard events
  • Tickets to Pre-party Event to be issued through Application
  • Access to private information about you Entertainers 2021 Experience



Advertise with our mobile app today!

Click the Advertise button to complete the order form, upload the artwork and submit payment. Once your artwork and payment has been received a member of our team will contact you to confirm and submit your ad for upload on our Mobile Application.

right click and save transparent png template

Do you have a cabin onboard Ubersoca Cruise Spring Edition

Double Sail Options
Double The SOCA

November 11-16, 2023
November 16-21, 2023

Double Sail Options
Double The SOCA

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